Understanding proper directions is important to help ensure the optimal CBN experience. Taking the minimal amount possible will help you receive the full benefits from the tincture and save you money in the long run.
Here are some suggestions for administering CBD/CBN tincture as you start out your new road-to-wellness program.
Oils are most effective when administered under the tongue for 60-90 seconds then swallowed. Positive effects usually happen within 20-30 minutes and can last up to 8 hours or more.
Begin your first night by taking one dropper. It's important to be patient while you figure out what amount is right for you. Once you find your targeted dosage, you can begin to create your daily schedule.
For many folks, taking 10-25mg's per serving is usually adequate. However, some people need to take over 100mg or more per serving to reach the desired benefits.
Still have questions? Contact us at 814-502-0849 and we'll be happy to provide any additional information that you may need in making the right choice to meet your CBD solutions.